I found a tutorial a while back on making frog jars! I made them two ways. The first way is to throw the base and put a rim inside the top of the jar, then handbuild a lid so that the lid sits inside the top of the jar. The first jar was made that way. The second way is to make a jar on the wheel and then throw the lid the way I throw lids for urns, so that it sits on top. This is the second video. Which do you like? I am making more and they should be ready in about a week!
I recently found these, and I thought they were really lovely! They are in very good shape, and I clean them up a bit. The petroglyphs have a little shading on them, but hey – they are vintage! You can find these in my Etsy shop, Northern Woods Studio!
For the summer, I am taking orders for a limited number of custom urns. Please check them out in my etsy shop. This listing is for one, but there are a number of them listed: https://www.etsy.com/listing/570867068/urn-pet-urn-dog-urn-cremation-urn-cat?click_key=9a4f1d97e7382b5edd906a1ad8855b6e433d5b1e%3A570867068&click_sum=7b92acad&ga_search_query=custom%2Burn&ref=shop_items_search_7&frs=1
Hand built, carved and glazed in gorgeous glazes, I have some new butter dishes available in my etsy shop here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1485632153/ceramic-covered-butter-dish-handcrafted?click_key=224b9c854a2ded612707fb1848a70f5647600ffa%3A1485632153&click_sum=18fe0902&ref=shop_home_active_2&frs=1